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Enterprise management for your business

PromeraM ERP (Hungarian page link: Promera ERP) software is an online, cloud-based project and enterprise management software that facilitates the management of business activities. It helps small and medium-sized businesses with the registration and management of their own and purchased products and services. It helps to manage customer processes from offering to invoicing. It helps with the management and registration of orders and projects. Several modules and groups of functions have been created in the software, modelling and automating the real business activity.

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PromeraM ERP - Enterprise management for your business

PromeraM ERP - Enterprise management for your business

The following modules can be selected in the PromeraM ERP software: 

  • Goods and services register
  • Projects and tasks
  • Receipts and expenses
  • Offers, Contracts, Orders
  • Warehouses 

Automation in the following areas: 

  • In case of order: Delivery letter and Invoice generation
  • In the case of handover: sending a final delivery note


  • Questionnaire
  • Monitoring 
  • Worksheet
  • Logistics
  • Report abuse

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What does PromeraM ERP help with?

What does PromeraM ERP help with?

What does PromeraM ERP help with?

  • It helps in giving a quick offer and following up on orders and contracts
  • Provides project-level structured task management and accounting
  • Manages project TEMPLATES, from which, based on the orders, the project to be implemented is created together with the tasks to be implemented in the project.
  • Keeps records and makes the assigned tasks traceable
  • Capable of automatic task generation
  • In monitoring the completion of tasks
  • In the register of raw materials used during the completion of the task
  • In the invoicing of completed tasks
  • Assists in the monthly accounting of projects
  • In the register of own and Purchased products and services
  • Management of warehouse stocks
  • Handling the delivery of orders
  • In the register of events related to partners 

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PromeraM ERP supports business activities

How does PromeraM ERP support business activities?

By doing the following, you will save administrative work time and costs.

  • It gives your customers an order interface to record the order according to their Contract.
  • Generates Delivery Notes and Delivery Tasks for incoming orders (on API, or recorded by the Customer, or by an internal administrator).
  • When the delivery is completed, the Delivery Note is automatically sent to the Buyer by e-mail and the invoice is generated according to the Buyer's contract.
  • Checks paid invoices based on loading a bank file. 

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PromeraM ERP cloud software
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