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DIAD NFC K+F project

DIAD NFC was an ecosystem creation project in collaboration with Global Platform.

The DIAD NFC project was built on the results of the Stolpan project.

The following actors were created within the ecosystem

  1. TSM: Trusted Service Manager
  2. Card Manager
  3. SP: Service Providers

Our task in the project was to create the prototypes of individual SPs, i.e. END-TO-END solutions, for market players and the Card Manager. 

In the course of our tasks, we created the following softwares, connected to the NFC environment.

NFC pre-receiver endpoint software

  1. POS terminal, 
  2. V-POS: Virtual POS for NFC acceptance in a PC environment and on a mobile device. 
  3. POS Manager: Server component for managing reliable NFC-capable V-POS and POS devices.
  4. Cardlet: This is a small program works on Smart Cards. We have created the following: Wallet, Cinema Ticket, Metro Pass, Entrance Card, Lunch Ticket, Library Ticket, Coupon.

NFC capable server solutions

  1. Access-1: NFC ticket sales for theaters and cinemas
  2. Access-2: Management of reservation software and NFC keys for hotels, guesthouses, accommodation facilities
  3. User management for NFC service providers (SP) and NFC users  4.) Card management system (CDB): The server component that implements the issuance and remote management of the secure card (so-called cardlet) of the NFC ecosystem.  5.) Retail in mobile - Personal Shopping Assistant and cart control on mobile 
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