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Promera software integrations and NTAK

Software integration is no longer an option, it is indispensable.

Hungarian version here: LINK.

In this article, we will discover and detail how Promera Menedzsment Ltd. used software or known systems to successfully build interfaces (Wiki link EN, Wiki link DE), logical or data connections, and how the interfaces contribute to increasing the level of service provided by the software, or the user experience for improvement.


  1. Who affected? Businesses and entrepreneurs operating in Hungary 
  2. NTAK: National Tourism Data Supply Centre (NTDSC) in Hungary. WebSite

What is software integration? – Connection, machine connection between two software

During the 19 years spent in the profession, we have implemented and developed several types and versions of integrations.
We have also successfully created state-keeping, transaction-tracking, or high-security integrations. Among them, the establishment of event-driven connections for data exchange or remote control was realized. Data collection, data monitoring, or simply user authentication.

With the help of integrations, you can easily and quickly connect Promera software with other applications, systems or devices, thus saving time and costs that would be required by manual data entry or managing different platforms.

Integrations allow you to automate and optimize certain processes, such as appointment booking, invoicing, statistics or marketing, so you can increase the quality and accuracy of work and reduce errors and risks.

Through integrations, you can improve communication and collaboration between service providers and customers, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty, and capitalizing on new business opportunities and feedback.

Internal software integration: how do different software services work together?

Integration between software may be necessary in several cases. There are internal integrations that realize the Customer's goals through the joint operation of a software service created in the interest of the same goal. This is typically a connection established between some target devices or special endpoint devices and a central server, e.g. an integration created between a warehouse management software and manual barcode reading software units.

Integration between specialist systems: how does software increase efficiency and data quality?

There are integrations between professional systems that add their own services or their data with the services of the companion software. Such can be e.g. a portal engine, a document manager and a so-called Connecting issue tracking software.

Integration between professional systems is a process in which different software are connected to each other in order to share their services and data. The purpose of integration between professional systems is to increase the efficiency of software and data quality, as well as to simplify the work of users. The advantages of integration between professional systems include the following:

– The software complements each other and provides the necessary functions and information, so there is no need to use and maintain multiple separate systems.

– Data exchange between software makes workflows faster and more accurate, reduces the possibility of errors and data loss, and improves the basis for decision-making.

– Communication between software enables users to perform their tasks on a unified interface, thus increasing comfort and satisfaction.

In order to implement integration between professional systems, software interfaces are needed, which enable data transfer and synchronization between software. Interfaces between software can be standard or custom developed, depending on the type and degree of integration we want to achieve. The compatibility, security, performance and scalability of the software must be taken into account when designing the interfaces between the software.

Integration software packages: the focus is on data exchange

There are integration platforms that provide common access to several professional systems, combining their data and knowledge.

To implement the integration tasks, complete software systems have been created, which ensure the safe implementation of the data flow between the software, and can ensure that a given communication takes place under all circumstances, i.e. if one system sends a data or issues a command, then it only happens exactly once let it happen.


Apache Camel -, is an open source integration framework that enables connection to many standard solutions and systems. Apache Camel makes it easy and fast to integrate different applications and services using a pattern-based language and easily configurable connectors.

Apache Kafka -, a distributed streaming platform that enables fast and reliable streaming and processing of large amounts of data. Apache Kafka is capable of publishing and subscribing to data, storing and replaying data, and transforming and responding to data.

Apache Airflow -, a platform that allows you to create and manage programmable, scheduled and monitored data flows. With Apache Airflow, users can define and run complex data pipelines that communicate with multiple systems and services.

Integration experience at Promera

Below, I would list the companies and software for which we implemented a software-level communication link due to new development or external development... I hope I don't leave out any manufacturers, devices, data sources....

NFC-Smart card, SEPA, Navision, Pharmacy software, Central Identification Agent at Goverment (named: KAÜ and AVDH), Budapest Airport – Identification management software, Border control software, MOL AD and MOL App firewall, MOL Solar Power Plants, Fronius inverters, Huawei inverters, OMSZ MET, Ticketing software, Investment fund managers, Reuters investment funds, NAV – Account,, Billingo, Barion, MAVIR, IKEA, Penta, Smart Safe solution, Building machinery systems, NTAK – National Tourist Information Center, SeeMe SMS sender.

Many would say that this is too much, I say that it is professional experience that really matters in a value-based world.

Integration and microservices

In addition to integration tasks, we have created a multi-component solution countless times, which performed its tasks as a tool or software system.

The so-called with the introduction of microservice architecture (WIKI - EN, WIKI - DE), the number of integrations within each software system has also increased by leaps and bounds, at the same time, the integration possibilities of our software have opened up in such a way that the creation of all integration connections is connected to the appropriate point of the software components, operational logic and source code.

Promera NTAK validation

Today (12.07.2023) an integration was successfully validated that was unprecedented in the history of our company, but at the same time it had to be implemented for the sake of our partners and due to legal obligations.

With the integration of our TimeBeeZ software NTAK (National Tourist Information Center), we aim to increase the usability of TimeBeeZ and the connected user experience, while ensuring the legal compliance of our partners.

TimeBeeZ TICKET, online ticket and electronic ticket sales tasks are affected by the law, since ticket, online ticket and electronic ticket sales companies sell entrance tickets to some event or program that is called a tourist attraction by law.

What is a tourist attraction? What constitutes a tourist attraction?

More about tourist attractions:

A tourist attraction is a natural or man-made attraction or geographical area utilized and operated for tourist purposes, which provides visitors with experience, leisure, travel services, a range of offers, or an entertainment function. The registration obligation applies to service providers already providing tourist attraction operator activities on November 1, 2021, or to service providers starting thereafter.

Which tourist attraction is obliged to provide data?

A tourist attraction that is obliged to provide data is a tourist attraction whose operator ensures the use of the attraction's services on a continuous, periodic or occasional basis, in an entry-required manner, by selling or issuing tickets.

What does the law say?

The relevant law: CLVI of 2016. law

The law on tourist attractions is as follows:

CLVI of 2016 on state tasks for the development of tourist areas. 255/2023 on the different rules of law during a state of emergency. Pursuant to the government decree, the provision of NTAK data will be mandatory for hospitality businesses and tourist attractions with a net sales of over HUF 100 million from July 1, 2023, and service providers that do not reach a net sales of HUF 12 million will be exempted from the obligation, reads the MTÜ announcement.

Who is required to provide data?

The relevant information is as follows, to whom it applies:

  • Keep CALM! this is only a Hungarian specialty. 
  • Tourist attractions in Hungary that do not reach HUF 12 million in net sales are exempt from the obligation.
  • Pursuant to the decree, the operators of catering shops and tourist attractions with a net sales revenue of HUF 12 million but not exceeding HUF 100 million in 2022 will be obliged to provide data to NTAK at a later date than the original, from January 1, 2024.

More details in the Hungarian Gazette.

NTAK validation update

Our software has also appeared on NTAK's "General information for operators of tourist attractions" page! 🙂 You should search for TimeBeeZ or Promera.
Promera Mendzsment Ltd. TimeBeeZ: 

I sell tickets

Please contact us at kozpont ( @ ) or at +36 (30) 688 6229!

I'm interested!

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