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Availability? Computing needs? What was a challenge for us with the TimeBeeZ software

Previous experiences

For the most part, we develop load-bearing, high-availability software that runs in multiple instances... Among the projects we hand over, there is very little software that does not serve some special user need. These include, among others:

Based on the above, our range of experience is diverse and large, and we were able to create something outstanding in every field, the likes of which had never existed before. We can be proud of every project we have delivered. With this approach, we started planning TimeBeeZ, our own solution, which provides combined services for SMEs and individual businesses, which are as follows: Invoicing, Group E-mail sending to customers, Appointment booking for services, Organization of group appointments, TICKET sales, Collecting subscribers, POSTing, Mini WebShop service, increasing Google presence.

Design considerations

When designing TimeBeeZ, we took the following aspects into account:

  • We would like the service to be continuously available
  • Businesses can keep their own data safe
  • The use of the software should be simple, clear and supported
  • The operation should be flexible and adjustable
  • You can manage many transactions (invoicing, appointment operations, ticket operations, payment operations, bank account processing, group e-mails) in parallel

What problems did we expect?

In my wildest dreams, I never imagined what the most important challenges would be in the TimeBeeZ software, which tells a lot about the changing needs and habits of using the software.

The kind of problems we expected in advance.

Resource problems?

#1.) Resource will run out - Memory, CPU, DISK

In preparation for this, we created the appropriate operating environment for operation, which can be flexibly expanded in all directions.

There are usually several reasons for this, primarily undersizing or unhandled cases in the program or memory management problems. —> Fortunately, this was only at the beginning of the project!

Optimal program code?

#2.) The code is not optimal because of this, the service is out of order

Fortunately, this happened only in the initial phase of the project. Since then, five to ten transactions per second, five to ten invoices and 20 to 30 tickets and the sending of relevant e-mails have been securely handled by our TimeBeeZ software.

An interesting point of view at this point is that in the case of source codes generated by artificial intelligence (AI), the phenomenon can be observed that the source code itself solves the problem defined in the specification, but does not fully fit the environment. The environment here must also be understood as the source code environment itself, as well as the operating environment of the software or its cooperating components.

Because of this, the source codes generated with AI need many additions, and it has also been proven that the source code generated in this way is not optimal. A clear sign of suboptimal Source Code is when such software performs certain operations very slowly or cannot perform them at all. However, it is natural that the complete execution of a process that includes several operations takes time, however, the solutions developed for this case also require a unique design, which is currently not managed by AI either.

What did reality show?

What we didn't think about, but which required the most transformations, was the user interface, which created the following experiences:

Workflow approach

#1.) AVOID IT! - Long, multi-step work processes

So, if we want to guide the user through a step-by-step configuration process, the user simply does not complete it.

In the past, due to the transparency of the activity and processes, the technique is still used in some cases in the software, during which the user is guided step by step through an operation line that has a specific result. Nowadays, this management method unfortunately means the complexity of the software for users who do not want to use cumbersome and complicated software.

Data - data, data request

#2.) AVOID IT! - Many and excessive data entry

Each separate data input worsens the user experience. Because each separate data entry requires some search or typing operation, which creates the feeling that we are browsing in one place.

Any extra data request prevents the user from being able to log in quickly and smoothly in the software.

Because of the above, we had to create integrations that, for example, retrieve the name of the settlement based on the zip code, so that you don't have to type it. Or they retrieve all the company's data based on the company name so that you don't have to type anything. Or the essential data must be provided at a different time, say when deprivations are not possible to proceed. It is especially difficult to create these in the case of software created for automatic online payment for invoicing.

In medias res - Everyone want to see what the Website wants

#3.) AVOID the complicated! - As far as possible, it should be immediately apparent what the software expects from you

If the big red button to click here is not there, the user may not be able to find where to click. Because the way people work these days is that they see the user interface and if it is clear what to do and where to click, then they do it, otherwise they don't. This is the consequence of the fact that they simply don't have time to spend more than two glances at a software that they don't know if they need or not.

Minimum amount of data

#3.) AVOID! - Request exactly as much data as you minimally need.

Software people like to produce statistics, but statistics can only be produced on the basis of collected data. We have now noticed that the more data we request, the less users fill out the interfaces. Maybe he likes the software's services, but he still won't register, so the software is asking for too much data.

For example, to buy a TICKET, if the prospective buyer has to enter the phone number in addition to the name and e-mail, then up to 20-30% of the buyers will abandon the purchase process. (even if it is in his interest to provide the data)

In previous versions of the program, we wanted to ask you to leave offers, what you do, how old you are, what your name is, what your hobbies are, etc. however, we have now released the request for all data in order for users to use the software at all.

What is the solution then? What is the demand?

Based on the above, we have learned to live with customer needs.

  1. There should be as few connections as possible in the programs
  2. Make all surfaces simple, transparent and unambiguous
  3. As little data as possible on one interface (Imagine this with a company management software where the software provides data-based decision support for businesses.)
  4. The data should be available in several places and can be entered in several places —> everyone uses it differently —> this leads to the next
  5. It is not the person who adapts to the software, but the software to the person! (it's good anyway, but as a developer it's a lot of extra work!)

Final result

I think that based on the above experiences, we managed to put together the simplest and best-to-use software possible!

👉 Try it!

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CRM❓ ERP❓Reservation❓TICKET❓Logistics❓HACCP❓

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