OR: How can I effectively collaborate with a software team as a partner?
In the entrepreneurial sphere, as in all areas of human relationships, it is extremely important how much the conversational or negotiating partners can trust each other. Trust is the foundation of a good business deal or even a good friendship. Currently, trust-building techniques are taught, which aim to achieve the fastest possible trust-building in communication.
In the area of business communication, especially in sales, various techniques are specifically taught to make the sales process more successful. A lot depends on the sale of products and services, including the success of a product or service.
However, from a professional standpoint, there is only one version of communication, and it is about what engineering experiences, facts, references, that is, reality and truth show. From a professional standpoint, the interest of the client, the partner exists. If a project is not successful from the partner's point of view, then the project itself cannot be considered successful.
How many such projects exist? Does a software-damaged enterprise have the motivation to face new software challenges again?
Throughout my career, I have encountered several cases where software is sold to a partner, but the partner does not or only partially uses the software's capabilities. When I ask why this software was introduced in such cases, I never get the answer that this software was the best fit for our company's operations, our business processes, our organizational structure, and data communication with our business partners. In extreme cases, it may happen that a partner uses only one or two modules of the introduced software. Then we can clearly talk about the fact that the communication between the partner and the software supplier was not smooth, despite the sales process being successful.
How can a client still see that the software implementation brings the expected results for the business?
Of course, reality-based result expectations can always be met. In my opinion, in this case, the partner only needs to "observe" one thing, which is whether the developer is willing to take into account and incorporate the partner's needs into the software. Of course, there is a simple, understandable reason why a request (need, but in my opinion, this is the requirement) cannot be justified, too costly, or contrary to some regulation. However, fundamentally, the need that the Partner orders must always be implemented.
Okay, I have a need, but what if the software cannot fulfill what it promises?
I have often encountered cases during my run when a software business entrepreneur undertakes a task and then cannot complete the assignment. Yes, during my career, I can list many specific cases for such situations, and it is difficult to understand what the reason might be for an experienced, reputable company with proper references to be sidelined.
In extreme cases, this
- can endanger the operation of the business,
- hinder it,
- and in the case of an online business, it can even make it impossible due to poorly functioning or faulty software. Because of all these, finding responsible developers, software companies, and colleagues is indeed a critical task and a matter of strong trust if we do not consider professionalism.
However, references and inquiries about references can properly filter whether the given software company can truly solve the designated task.
Faulty software? But here's AI, it writes the software without errors! Why do we need developers at all?
AI is indeed capable of creating source codes, which can never be considered as a program. The specification of AI-generated source code can never be so detailed as to take into account all the circumstances of the software's operation. Just a few examples from the countless:
- A software can contain several thousands (!!!) source code files, parameter files, etc., whose structure, relationship, stacking, placement, and logic currently cannot be built up with AI.
- The creation of a working version of the software (source code is not always a program) cannot be realized by AI, only if we build an appropriate solution for it, which it could control with commands.
- A custom corporate identity email template or user interface cannot be created with AI.
But of course, it can help in many other aspects of software development.
Can difficulties arise during software development? Is the developer responsible for the difficulties that arise?
It's a fundamental fact that everyone understands their own profession adequately. Because of this, it may happen that the software engineer does not understand the articulated requirement at first, so checking this is always necessary. During most projects, the software engineer develops the knowledge that becomes an effective aid, which can be relied upon subsequently.
The software colleague often argues from a professional standpoint, so it may happen that they use professional expressions. Of course, if what they say is not understandable, it's natural to ask them to phrase it in a way that's understandable to the "average person."
The basis of effective collaboration is mutual understanding. PromeraM and its colleagues always approach Partners with the appropriate professional respect and do not spare the time to clarify common terminology and concepts.
At the end of their projects, our Partners usually appreciate the joint work, during which, by performing our advisory and development tasks, it's visible how successful the collaboration was.
Promera Menedzsment Ltd. defined its goals and operations as follows
GOAL: The basic goal is to automate and support the activities of companies and businesses with our software solutions, SEE E.g.: Pro.Dashboard ERP, TimeBeeZ, PromeraM logistic, Flaechenkalkulator - Area calculator
We ensure transparent operation for our partners by using project tracking solutions.
- The Offer and Order contain the tasks that we implement in the project.
- The contract contains the tasks that the Offer and the Order
- Our Project follow-up solution, which is also visible to our Partner, includes the tasks that the Offer, the Order and the Contract
- Our partners can have a say in the tasks when the project statuses and versions are presented
- During settlement, the Contract and tasks ordered during the project are settled
Along the lines of the above, we always strive for harmonious and willing cooperation, since it is good for us if the benefits of our developments benefit our partners!